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E-mail: gongd@lzu.edu.cn


2008.09-2012.06 甘肃农业大学,食品质量与安全,学士





2023.03至今 beat365体育官方网站,青年研究员(正高四级)

2020.12-2022.12 以色列农业研究组织Volcani Center博士后





1.以色列-美国国际合作项目,Epigenetic mechanisms controlling mycotoxin biosynthesis and pathogenesis in the plant pathogen Penicillium expansum, $310,000 , 结题,主要完成人;



4.国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,蓝光对Penicillium expansum的生长发育及棒曲霉素合成的调控机理研究,39万,结题,主要完成人;



1.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Yuanyuan Zong, Yongcai Li, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. Characterization and sources of volatile organic compounds produced by postharvest pathogenic fungi colonized fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 188, 111903. (Review Paper SCI一区TOP, IF2022=6.751)

2.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Yuanyuan Zong, Yongcai Li, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. Penicillium expansum-induced release of branched-chain volatile compounds in apple fruit by increasing amino acids accumulation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021, 173, 111432. (SCI一区TOP, IF2022=6.751)

3.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Xuemei Zhang, Zhanhong Han, Yuanyuan Zong, Yongcai Li, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. Benzothiadiazole treatment inhibits membrane lipid metabolism and straight-chain volatile compound release in Penicillium expansum-inoculated apple fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021, 181, 111671. (SCI一区TOP, IF2022=6.751)

4.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Hong Jiang, Sulin Xue, Zhengyu Wang, Yongcai Li, Yuanyuan Zong, Dov Prusky. A comparison of   postharvest physiology, quality and volatile compounds of ‘Fuji’ and ‘Delicious’ apples inoculated with Penicillium expansum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2019, 105, 95-104. (SCI一区TOP, IF2022=6.751)

5.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Yuanyuan Zong, Yongcai Li, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. Dynamic change of carbon and nitrogen sources in colonized apples by Penicillium expansum. Foods. 2022, 11, 3367. (二区SCI, IF2022=5.561)

6.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Yongcai Li, Yuanyuan Zong, Ye Han, Dov Prusky. Both Penicillium expansum and Trichothecim roseum infections promote the ripening of apples and release specific volatile compounds. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10, 338. (SCI二区TOP , IF2022=6.627)

7.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Yongcai Li, Yi Wang, Dov Prusky, Noam Alkan. Preharvest elicitors spray improves antioxidant activity, alleviates chilling injury, and maintains quality in harvested fruit. Horticulturae. 2022, 8, 1208. (Review Paper三区SCI, IF2022=2.923)

8.Di Gong, Yang Bi*, Shenge Li, Yongcai Li, Yi Wang. Trichothecium roseum infection promotes ripening of harvested muskmelon fruits and induces the release of specific volatile compound. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2019. 101, 529-538. (三区SCI, IF2022=1.729)

9.龚迪, 葛永红, 李海杰, 董伯余, 毕阳*. 不同贮藏低温对厚皮甜瓜果实品质的影响. 食品工业科技, 2015, 36(05): 311-314.

10.龚迪, 毕阳*, 王军节, 李欣. 基于蛋白组学的水果蛋白质提取方法. 食品工业科技, 2014, 35(03): 376-379.

11.Yuanyuan Zong, Xuemei Zhang, Di Gong, Feng Zhang, Lirong Yu, Yang Bi, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. Small GTPases RasA and RasB regulate development, patulin production, and virulence of Penicillium expansum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2023, 197, 112192.

12.Huiwen Deng, Li Ma, Di Gong, Sulin Xue, Sabina Ackah, Dov Prusky, Yang Bi. BTH-induced joint regulation of wound healing at the wounds of apple fruit by JA and its downstream transcription factors. Food Chemistry, 2022, 135184.

13.Pengdong Xie, Yangyang Yang, Di Gong, Zhicheng Li, Bin Wang, Sulin Xue, William Oyom, Dov Prusky, Yang Bi*. Preharvest L-phenylalanine sprays accelerated wound healing of harvested muskmelons by eliciting phenylpropanoid metabolism and enzymatic browning. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 193, 112053.

14.Pengdong Xie, Yangyang Yang, Di Gong, Lirong Yu, Ye Han,Yuanyuan Zong, Yongcai Li, Dov Prusky, Yang Bi*. Chitooligosaccharide maintained cell membrane integrity by regulating reactive oxygen species homeostasis at wounds of potato tubers during healing. Antioxidants, 2022, 11, 1791.

15.Xuemei Zhang, YuanyuanZong, Di Gong, Feng Zhang, Lirong Yu, Yang Bi*, Edward Sionov, DovPrusky. Small GTPaseRacA is critical for spore growth, patulin accumulation, and virulence of Penicillium expansum. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 191, 111964.

16.Zhanhong Han, Zhenyu Wang, Yang Bi*, Yuanyuan Zong, Di Gong, Bin Wang, Baojun Li, Edward Sionov, Dov Prusky. The Effect of environmental pH during Trichothecium roseum (Pers.:Fr.) link inoculation of apple fruits on the host differential reactive oxygen species metabolism. Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 692.

17.Xuemei Zhang, Yuanyuan Zong, Di Gong, Lirong Yu, Edward Sionov, Yang Bi*, Dov Prusky. NADPH oxidase regulates the growth and pathogenicity of Penicillium expansum. Frontires in Plant Science, 2021, 12, 696210.

18.Lirong Yu, Yuanyuan Zong, Ye Han, Xuemei Zhang, Yatong Zhu, William Oyom, Di Gong, Dov Prusky, Yang Bi*. Both chitosan and chitooligosaccharide treatments accelerate wound healing of pear fruit by activating phenylpropanoid metabolism. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 205, 483-490.

19.Bin Wang, Zhanhong Han, Di Gong, Xiaobin Xu, Yongcai Li, Edward Sionov, DovPrusky, Yang Bi*, Yuanyuan Zong. The pH signaling transcription factor PacC modulate growth, development, stress response and pathogenicity of Trichothecium roseum. Environmental Microbiology, 2022, 15943.

20.Zhicheng Li, Xiaoqin Xu, SulinXue, Di Gong, Bin Wang, Xiaoyuan Zheng, Pengdong Xie, Yang Bi*, Dov Prusky. Preharvest multiple sprays with chitosan promotes the synthesis and deposition of lignin at wounds of harvested muskmelons. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 206, 167-174.

21.Yatong Zhu, Yuanyuan Zong, Di Gong, Xuemei Zhang, William Oyom, Lirong Yu, Xuexue Wang, Yang Bi*, Dov Prusky. Effects and possible modes of action of Kloeckera apiculatafor controlling Penicillium expansum in apples. Biological Control, 2022, 169, 104898.

22.Yatong Zhu, Yuanyuan Zong, Wei Liang, Rui Kong, Di Gong, Ye Han, Yongcai Li, Yang Bi*, DovPrusky. Sorbitol immersion accelerates the deposition of suberin polyphenolic and lignin at wounds of potato tubers by activating phenylpropanoid metabolism. Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 297, 110971.

23.Hong Jiang, Bin Wang, Li Ma, Xiaoyuan Zheng, Di Gong, Huali Xue, Yang Bi*, Yi Wang, Dov Prusky. Benzo-(1, 2, 3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid s-methyl ester promotes wound healing of potato tubers by eliciting the phenylpropanoid pathway. Postharvest and Biology technology, 2019, 309.

24.Xin Li, Yang Bi*, Junjie Wang, Boyu Dong,   Haijie Li, Di Gong, Qi Shang. BTH treatment caused physiological, biochemical and proteomic changes of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit during ripening. Journal of Proteomics, 2015, 120, 179-193.

25.Xiaoyuan Zheng, Hong Jiang, Yang Bi*, Bin Wang, Tiaolan Wang, Yongcai Li, Di Gong , Yanan Wei, ZhichengLi, DovPrusky. Comparison of wound healing abilities of four major cultivars of potato tubers in China. Postharvest and Biology technology, 2020, 164, 11167.

26.彭慧, 龚迪, 魏亚楠, 杨乾, 宗元元, DovPrusky, Edward Sionov, 毕阳*.扩展青霉侵染苹果果实膜磷脂代谢的变化. 食品科学, 2020.

27.王振宇, 胡慧敏, 龚迪, 张国军, DovPrusky, 毕阳*. Trichothecium roseum的酸碱属性及不同pH 值对其胞外酶活性和致病性的影响. 食品科学, 2019.

28.李生娥, 李红霞, 毕阳*, 刘耀娜, 姜红, 王毅, 李永才, 龚迪. 采前赤霉素结合采后热水处理对‘苹果梨’冷藏期间黑皮的控制及其部分机制. 果树学报, 2017, 34(07): 884-894.

29.董柏余, 葛永红, 毕阳*, 李海杰, 龚迪. 采后β-氨基丁酸处理对梨果实黑斑病的抑制. 食品工业科技, 2015, 36(07): 320-322+327.

30.李海杰, 葛永红, 董柏余, 龚迪, 刘文妮, 毕阳*. 三种贮藏低温对厚皮甜瓜果实活性氧产生和清除的比较.食品工业科技, 2015, 36(05): 325-328+342.

31.李欣, 毕阳*, 王军节, 龚迪. 蛋白质组学在果实成熟衰老机理方面的研究进展. 食品科学, 2014, 35(07): 243-246.

32.李欣, 王军节, 龚迪, 毕阳*. 厚皮甜瓜果实总蛋白质提取方法的比较. 果树学报, 2014, 31(01): 150-156.


1.The Special Issue ‘Preharvest and Postharvest Factors Improving Horticultural Crops Quality and Shelf-Life’ in Horticulturae,客座编辑

2.担任《Postharvest Biology and Technology》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》、《Foods》、《Horticulturae》、《Plants》等杂志评审

