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2007.9—2012.07  beat365体育官方网站预防医学,学士

2012.9—2015.07  暨南大学医学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学,硕士

2015.9—2018.07  中山大学beat365体育官方网站流行病与卫生统计学,博士


2018.07— 至今   beat365体育官方网站,讲师






1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目。血浆脂质谱与炎性因子和老年人肌少症的关系及机制研究。在研。主持。


3. 国家社科重大项目子课题,大数据和智能时代重大突发公共卫生事件风险防范化解体系构建,2020-2024。在研。参加。










1. Zeng X, Liu X, Mahe J, Guo K, Wang L, Li L, Jing L. Sex Differences in the Relationship Between Emotional Support and Self-rated Health among Chinese Elderly. American journal of health promotion : AJHP 2023, 38(2): 219-227.Corresponding author

2. Liu X, Zeng X, Mahe J, Guo K, He P, Yang Q, Zhang Z, Li Z, Wang D, Zhang Z, Wang L, Jing L. The Effect of Nattokinase-Monascus Supplements on Dyslipidemia: A Four-Month Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients 2023, 15(19): 4239.Corresponding author

3. Xu F, Yu EY, Cai X, Yue L, Jing LP, Liang X, Fu Y, Miao Z, Yang M, Shuai M, Gou W, Xiao C, Xue Z, Xie Y, Li S, Lu S, Shi M, Wang X, Hu W, Langenberg C, Yang J, Chen YM, Guo T, Zheng JS. Genome-wide genotype-serum proteome mapping provides insights into the cross-ancestry differences in cardiometabolic disease susceptibility. Nature communications 2023, 14(1): 896.Co-first author

4. Li BY, Mahe JL, Hao JY, Ye WH, Bai XF, Feng HT, Szeto IM, Jing LP, Zhao ZF, Chen YM. Formula Milk Supplementation and Bone Acquisition in 4-6 Years Chinese Children: A 12-Month Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2023, 15(8).Corresponding author

5. Mahe J, Wang L, Guo K, Liu X, Zeng X, Jing L. High leukocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio is associated with acute relapse in multiple sclerosis patients. Neurological research 2022: 1-8.Corresponding author

6. Guo K, Wang L, Mahe J, Li L, Jiao S, Wang H, Xie Y, Liu X, Zeng X, Hu X, Jing L. Effect of aqueous extract of seed of broccoli on inflammatory cytokines and Helicobacter pylori infection: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial in patients without atrophic gastritis. Inflammopharmacology 2022, 30(5): 1659-1668.Corresponding author

7. Ling C-W, Zhong H, Zeng F-f, Chen G, Fu Y, Wang C, Zhang Z-Q, Cao W-T, Sun T-Y, ding D, Liu Y-H, Dong H-L, Jing L-P, Ling W, Zheng J-S, Chen Y-M. Cohort Profile: Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS): A Population-Based Multi-Omics Study. Journal of epidemiology 2023, advpub.

8. Ling CW, Miao Z, Xiao ML, Zhou H, Jiang Z, Fu Y, Xiong F, Zuo LS, Liu YP, Wu YY, Jing LP, Dong HL, Chen GD, Ding D, Wang C, Zeng FF, Zhu HL, He Y, Zheng JS, Chen YM. The Association of Gut Microbiota With Osteoporosis Is Mediated by Amino Acid Metabolism: Multiomics in a Large Cohort. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 2021, 106(10): e3852-e3864.

9. Jiang Z, Sun TY, He Y, Gou W, Zuo LS, Fu Y, Miao Z, Shuai M, Xu F, Xiao C, Liang Y, Wang J, Xu Y, Jing LP, Ling W, Zhou H, Chen YM, Zheng JS. Dietary fruit and vegetable intake, gut microbiota, and type 2 diabetes: results from two large human cohort studies. BMC medicine 2020, 18(1): 371.

10. Chen ZY, Liu M, Jing LP, Xiao ML, Dong HL, Chen GD, Chen YM. Erythrocyte membrane n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are inversely associated with the presence and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese adults: a prospective study. Eur J Nutr 2020, 59(3): 941-951.

11. Jing LP, Xiao ML, Dong HL, Lin JS, Chen GD, Ling WH, Chen YM. Serum Carotenoids Are Inversely Associated with RBP4 and Other Inflammatory Markers in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults. Nutrients 2018, 10(3): 260. First author

12. Ye X, Jing L, Zhong X, Xiao D, Ou M, Guo C, Yang G, Jing C, Wei X. Interactions between polymorphisms in the 3'untranslated region of the cyclin dependent kinase 6 gene and the human papillomavirus infection, and risk of cervical precancerous lesions. Biomedical Reports 2017, 6(6): 640-648.

13. Tian HY, Qiu R, Jing LP, Chen ZY, Chen GD, Chen YM. Alternate Mediterranean diet score is positively associated with skeletal muscle mass index in middle-aged adults. The British journal of nutrition 2017, 117(8): 1181-1188.

14. Han G, Chen Y-M, Huang H, Chen Z, Jing L, Xiao S-M. Fat Mass Is Positively Associated with Estimated Hip Bone Strength among Chinese Men Aged 50 Years and above with Low Levels of Lean Mass. International journal of environmental research and public health 2017, 14(4): 453.

15. Liu Y, Ye X, Zhang N, Zhang B, Guo C, Huang W, Jing L, Wang M, Yang G, Wei X, Jing C. Diagnostic value of ultrasonographic combining biochemical markers for Down syndrome screening in first trimester: a meta-analysis. Prenatal Diagnosis 2015, 35(9): 879-887.

16. Huang WH, Nie LH, Zhang LJ, Jing LP, Dong F, Wang M, Zhang N, Liu Y, Zhang BH, Chen C, Lin HS, Wei XC, Yang G, Jing CX. Association of TLR2 and TLR4 non-missense single nucleotide polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes risk in a southern Chinese population: a case-control study. Genetics and molecular research : GMR 2015, 14(3): 8694-8705.

17. Huang W, Zhang L, Jing L, Liang W, Dong F, Lin H, Nie L, Yang G, Jing C. Analysis on risk factors and their interactions in the type 2 diabetic with macrovascular complications. Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention 2015, 19(1): 13-16.

18. Guo CC, Huang WH, Zhang N, Dong F, Jing LP, Liu Y, Ye XG, Xiao D, Ou ML, Zhang BH, Wang M, Liang WK, Yang G, Jing CX. Association between IL2/IL21 and SH2B3 polymorphisms and risk of celiac disease: a meta-analysis. Genetics and molecular research : GMR 2015, 14(4): 13221-13235.

19. Jing LP, Zhong XM, Zhong ZY, Huang WH, Liu Y, Yang G, Zhang XP, Zou J, Jing CX, Wei XC. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Guangdong Province, China: A Population-Based Survey of 78,355 Women. Sexually transmitted diseases 2014, 41(12): 725-731.

20. Jing LP, Zhong XM, Huang WH, Liu Y, Wang M, Miao ZL, Zhang XP, Zou J, Zheng BW, Chen CD, Liang XM, Yang G, Jing CX, Wei XC. HPV genotypes and associated cervical cytological abnormalities in women from the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong province, China: a cross-sectional study. BMC infectious diseases 2014, 14.




