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2016.10—2020.01 西班牙阿利坎特大学(University of Alicante),健康科学,博士

2015.09—2016.10 西班牙阿尔卡拉大学(University of Alcalá),公共卫生,硕士

2008.09—2015.07 古巴哈瓦那医科大学(Medical University of Havana),临床医学,学士


2022.10—至今     beat365体育官方网站,副教授

2020.07—2022.07  浙江大学beat365体育官方网站,博士后

2019.04—2019.07  挪威卑尔根大学全球卫生研究中心(Centre for International Health,University of Bergen),访问学者

2018.06—至今    西班牙阿利坎特大学公共卫生研究组(Research Group of Public Health,University of Alicante),客座研究员













3. Spanish SDG 2018 Promotion Research ProjectWork, Immigration and Health in a Population Cohort Immigrant2018.01-2019.01Chief Investigator

4. 国际救助儿童会(Save the Children,青少年网络安全与数字化时代养育,2022.01-2023.06,参与

5. 国际救助儿童会(Save the Children,四川凉山彝族自治州新生儿基本保健和妇幼保健综合干预评估研究,2020.07-2020.12,参与

6.国际救助儿童会(Save the Children,南疆地区基层医疗机构儿童疾病综合管理能力建设和政策倡导研究,2019.01-2020.12,参与




1.Xu J, Guo S, Lu J, Zhao G, Akezhuoli H, Wang M, Wang F*, Zhou X*. Characteristics of parent-child separation related to bullying involvement among left-behind children in China. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2024. doi:10.1177/02654075241230115.

2.Wang M, Lou J, Xie X, Zhao G, Zhu H*. Parental migration and cyberbullying victimization among Chinese left-behind children: understanding the association and mediating factors. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2024.1194940.

3.Cantó-Sancho N, Seguí-Crespo M, Zhao G*, Ronda-Pérez E. The Chinese version of the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire: translation and cross-cultural adaptation. BMC Ophthalmology. 2023;23(1):298.

4.Xie Q, Zhao G, Lu J, Chen R, Xu J, Wang M, Akezhuoli H, Wang F*, Zhou X*. Mental Health Problems amongst Left-behind Adolescents in China: Serial Mediation Roles of Parent-Adolescent Communication and School Bullying Victimisation. The British Journal of Social Work. 2023; 53(2):994-1018.

5.Akezhuoli H, Lu J, Zhao G, Xu J, Wang M, Wang F*, Li L*, Zhou X. Mother's and father's migrating in China: differing relations to mental health and risk behaviors among left-behind children. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.894741.

6.Zhao G*, Wang M, Xu J, Lu J, Akezhuoli H, Wang F*. Health status and association with interpersonal relationships among Chinese children from urban migrant to rural left-behind. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.862219.

7.H Sánchez-Herrero, M Pastor-Bravo, C Donat-Vargas, V Dávila-Batista, J Perales-Puchalt, G Zhao, M García-Quinto, E Briones-Vozmediano*. Young Spanish epidemiologists and public health professionals: job insecurity as way of life? Gaceta Sanitaria. 2021;35(3):304-306.

8.Izquierdo-Sánchez B, Guanlan Z*, Varo-Galvañ P, Brocal-Fernández F, Ronda-Pérez E. Mortality among workers in metallurgical industry: literature review. Revista Española de Salud Pública. 2021; 95:e202106081.

9.Zhao G*, Ronda E, Barrio G, Moen BE, Regidor E. Suicide in Spanish farmers in two geographical areas with different amount of pesticide use. Journal of Agromedicine. 2021;26(2):278-283.

10.Haiyang Y, Xu H, Guanlan Z*. Important aspects of prevention of health personnel in hospitals during the epidemic novel coronavirus. Revista Española de Salud Pública. 2020; 94:e202007080.

11.Zhao G*. Taking preventive measures immediately: Evidence from China on COVID-19. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2020; 34(3):217-219.

12.E Ronda, G Zhao*, L Lostao, E Regidor. Frequency of medical consultations in the adult population in Spain, before and after the restriction of access to undocumented immigrants. Semergen. 2020; 46(5):306-312.

13.Zhao G, Erazo B, Ronda E*, Brocal F, Regidor E. Mortality among firefighters in Spain: 10 years of follow-up. Annals of Work Exposures and Health. 2020; 64(6):614-621.

14.G Zhao, E Rond*a, G Barrio, E Regidor. Mortality and risk behaviours in Spanish female farmers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2019; 76: A52.1-A52.

15.Zhao G, Regidor E*, Astasio P, Ortega P, Barrio G, Ronda E. Cardiovascular disease, digestive diseases, traffic accidents and suicides: leading causes of death responsible for excess mortality in farmers in Spain. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2019; 61(5):e212-e216.

16.Zhao G, Ronda E*, Cea L, Pulido J, Barrio G, Regidor E. Mortality by cause of death and risk behaviors in farmers versus non-farmers: the importance of avoiding the healthy worker effect. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2019; 92(4):599-608.

17.G Zhao, E Regidor*, E Koselka, E Ronda. Cohort study of mortality among male farm workers in Spain. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2018; 75: A464.1-A464.

18.G Zhao*. Suicide among agricultural, forestry and fishery workers: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. 2018; 21 (2): 95-96.

19.Zhao Guanlan, et al. “Propuestas para la integración del alumnado universitario de origen chino a partir de su experiencia: un estudio cualitativo en la Universidad de Alicante ” . Roig-Vila, Rosabel (ed.). Investigación e innovación en la Enseñanza Superior. Nuevos contextos, nuevas ideas. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2019. ISBN 978-84-17667-23-8, pp. 888-896(书籍章节)

20.Zhao Guanlan, et al.“Red Para La Integración De Estudiantes Extranjeros En La Universidad (RIE-UA)”. En: Roig-Vila, Rosabel (coord.). Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE de calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria. Convocatoria 2018-19. Alacant: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació (ICE) de la Universitat d’Alacant, 2019. ISBN 978-84-09-15746-4, pp.1739-1745(书籍章节)


西班牙青年流行病学家协会(EJE)联合主席国际职业卫生之农村卫生健康学术委员会(Scientific Committee of Rural HealthICOH)常务委员国际全球卫生协会(ISoGH会员、西班牙流行病学协会(SEE)会员、中国医促会公共卫生与预防医学分会/基层卫生分会委、甘肃省预防医学会公共卫生管理专业委员会委员/秘书长。

西班牙阿利坎特大学健康科学学院博士论文国际评审、西班牙暨葡萄牙流行病学协会联合年会SEE&APE通讯评审及Young Researchers in Public Health: A Multidisciplinary VisionSEE&APE”联合主席。

担任Global Health Research and Policy青年编委Health Care Science青年编委《中国全科医学》青年编委、Public Mental Healthspecialty section of Frontiers in Public Health, Frontiers in Psychiatry and Frontiers in Sociology评审编委,也是多本SCI/SSCI杂志匿名审稿人。



2019.12CUM LAUDEDoctor Degree, 西班牙阿利坎特大学(University of Alicante

2018.09西班牙梅诺卡岛公共卫生暑期课程旅行资助(Travel Grant for Public Health Summer Courses in Menorca Island),西班牙流行病学协会(SEE

2018.09,十佳青年学者报告奖Young Researcher Awards for 10 Best Communications,西班牙流行病学协会(SEE


20082015,古巴政府单方面奖学金项目(Cuban Government Scholarship